Thursday, December 29, 2011


"When you come to the end of all the light you know,
and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown,
faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen:
either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught to fly." 
~ Edward Teller 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Plastics #1 & #2

A few years ago I watched a tv show, Undercover Boss, where they were giving inside details into Waste Management, the trash collector, garbage removal, recycling program company; in this segment they showed how the employees working the incoming recycling items sorting the plastics not numbered 1 or 2 from those numbered 1 & 2.  So what do they do with those plastics not numbered 1 or 2?  They take these plastics off the conveyor belt and add them to a rather large collection behind them.  Alright now, what happens to that large pile of the plastics not numbered 1 and 2?  They are sent to another facility which can recycle all plastics, numbers on the plastics do not matter!

What a concept, one facility that can take and recycle all numbers of plastics, even those plastics without a number on their body.  So why are we all paying our cities to take only those plastics with two special numbers?  Why not work with the recycling companies who are set up to receive all plastics? 

How can this be changed?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Humpback Whale Saved

Saving a Humpback Whale
This story is amazing, I want to meet these brave and selfless people and hug them.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hopefilled Canine Canyon

This is such an amazing, heroic, and heartwarming story about a dog, a slot canyon, and a canyoneering caring man: Canine Canyon .  However the dog got in this canyon I am relieved he had hope and kept breathing and being; if there is a human involved with the dog getting deep into this canyon, karma will find this person, haunt them and make them peel out their own eyes!  A bit dramatic you say?  Not in my opinion. 

Has this hope believing dog been adopted yet?  I am not sure but would love to know the answer is YES soon!  Maybe you are going to adopt him - things do happen for a reason ;)


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What the Frack?!*

What the Frack is Going On?

This video is a must see, Life magazine put together top videos and this made it on!  There are other great videos to see too - this fracking really caught my attention though.  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Rox in the Box

The Decemberists

Breaking Bodies To Eat

I eat them when I'm hungry, when I'm full, when its dark outside, when the sun is barely peeking to being a new day, and when the sun is high.  Their bodies lie in a scattered pile on the counter, with an occasional body part falling to the floor.  Every now and then when I break one in half the insides jump out and either roll across the counter trying to hide from me, but I always find my prey, or it falls onto the floor, no matter though, the 10 second rule always applies to these tasty guys.    

Its not just one or two but usually close to 20, then a few more.  How can I stop breaking these small bodies to get the delicious part when they are...well, so delicious?  A one pound package is just no enough for a few days.  What am I to do when they are out of season?  There must be a rehab facility for those like me.  Not that I am admitting I have an addiction.

I dare you to try a few and walk away - for good!

Red Rock Pistacio Orchards