Thank you to the person who shared this recipe on Pinterest: Cheesy Garlic Baked Chicken. Wasting a little time on Pinterest and starving, ready for something quick to put in my mouth (because we all know how my evil twin takes over when I am hungry) but not wanting the "regular" menu items I type in "Chicken Recipe" in the menu bar and bam! a lot of ideas pop up. The one that struck me tonight was the Cheese Garlic Baked Chicken. Super easy and super tasty! Time spent? Yes, but well worth it and in truth, 40 minutes tops.
I was thinking a few minutes ahead as I boiled my sweet potato until soft them mashed it with butter, pepper and salt and nibbled on that while everything else continued to cook - this held my hunger but did not release any regretful words or deeds because I was too hungry. (I hear your head nodding.)
Minced big garlic cloves and browned them in avocado oil then added more oil and brown sugar. Mixed well and topped on chicken breasts, into the big oven they went. Twenty minutes later I add shredded cheese on top and more garlic, oil, sugar coating; back into the dark oven. Ten minutes, or there a bouts, later, remove the chicken and walla! A beautiful, moist, delicious creation.
Accompanying the chicken was broccoli, mashed sweet potato and mashed russet potato (separately mashed).
Picture you ask? The dish was consumed to fast to snap one. Cheers!