Sunday, March 6, 2016


Feel my heart intertwine within my roots
See my soul soar along side my wings
My roots grow deeper, bigger
My wings grow stronger, wider
Know me better
Love me with zeal
Wings lift
Gentle flapping, rustling the leaves
A soft tug at my roots
Through trust and love
The roots leap
The wings expand
Still as one

~Angela Byrnes

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Is there a fine line between self-care and selfishness?

Is there a fine line between self-care and selfishness?  There are some in my life who call me selfish when I need time for myself.  I need alone time to reset and remember who I am and what I want.  So I answer my own question, is there a fine line between self-care and selfishness?  Not when the matters come from your heart and your soul to fill your heart and soul.

The bucket my for my heart and soul fills to the brim when I am around good people, enjoying good times.  And this bucket overflows my heart and soul when I have minutes, hours or a day for me.  100% dedicated to me and for me however I chose to use this time.  Just thinking about me time brings a smile to my face and peace within :)

Here's to you and me and self-care alone time for each!  Have a lovely day!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

I am here now

I am not a before.
I am not an after. 

I am here now - - 

Learning, struggling, stumbling, and loving - - 

Now is the masterpiece. 
Growth is a favorable consequence. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

The Soul Loves Risk

Deep within every life, no matter how dull or ineffectual it may seem, something eternal is happening. When you are faithful to the risk and ambivalence of growth, you are engaging your life. The soul loves risk; it is only through the door of risk that growth can enter. Possibility and change become growth within the shape of time that we call our day. Days are where we live. The rhythm shapes our lives. Each new day offers possibilities that were never seen before. To engage with honor the full possibility of your life is to engage in a worthy way the possibility of your new day.
~John O'Donohue, Irish Philosopher