Thursday, June 30, 2011

Canyoneering II

Block of What Exactly?

There has been so much happening in my life lately, and so many thoughts racing through my head.  As I am away from my computer I yearn to be in front of it to write of these adventures and my never ending thoughts, but when I am in front of my computer I tend to...freeze?  Get writer's block?  Not excited anymore to tell my story?  What ever the reason, I am ready to move past it and write.  I want to write freely whenever the inspiration hits, or yet, when it has past but I still have the thoughts, feelings, and images in my head. 

I am sure some of you are clicking on my page daily waiting to hear about the many details of both canyoneering classes.  As well as the news on the job front, which leads to news on the rental front.  If not, at least act the part :) 

For a short synopsis: both weekends I spent in the North Wash were spectacular! I will never trade those for anything.  Canyoneering is fun, challenging and "freeing" (haha).   I have learned a lot about myself and know with each canyon I will learn more and more.  I do, however, need to put trust in myself more; there have been obstacles where I feared I could not get past or complete without the assistance of a fellow canyoneerer.  It is true that each one of us is there to get the others through, safely, but there are times when one must rely on themselves, so not to hold the team back or slow them down.  I am still battling my fear of heights, I am okay for a lot of the experience, but there will be the occasional uphill I have to walk, where below there is a large drop.  This is where I freeze and fear I cannot go further without the help of others.  On rappels I seem to be doing a lot better, gearing up, locking off and walking down for the most part.  It does make it easier on the mind knowing you have a fireman below and sometimes a body belay up top; all one could do is swing a tiny bit if somehow one lost control of rope.  Thankfully I have not had to experience that. 

Still searching for that job I will be a perfect for, as well as they fit perfectly with me.  This job economy is insane, I don't remember ever having to compete with hundreds of candidates, it has always been one, two, maybe three other candidates I would be competing with.  Wish me luck in my search! 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Swearing Parrot

A man had a parrot that could talk. Unfortunately, it swore a lot. In an effort to get the parrot to be quiet, he put him in a cupboard.

The parrot continued swearing and after a while the man decided to put the bird in the freezer. After that, the parrot started swearing even more. 
After a few minutes, he suddenly became quiet. The man opened up the freezer and the parrot said, "I'm sorry, sir, it will never happen again." 
As the man took the bird out of the freezer he wondered what the difference was between the cupboard and the freezer.
Just then, the parrot said, "So, uh, what'd the chicken do?"

Turn Our Grace-Giving Dial Up!

Please click Load Images to view the full Daily Dream Builder
Hi Angela,
Eleanor Roosevelt said, “We cause as much pain by taking offense, as by giving it.”
On this day, let us turn our offense-taking dial down and turn our grace-giving dial up.  Let us appreciate the opportunity to experience our life as it is --this includes all of us in our human conditions, and all of the interactions that are happening right now or even in our past.  We practice giving grace right where we are.
As we soften our hearts with grace and compassion, we unlock an abundant stream of love and aliveness and open ourselves to a richer, fuller, freer life.
To Your Life,
Mary Manin Morrissey

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hell Ya!

June 21, 2011

LeoLeo (7/23-8/22)
You're having some good ideas about your career, and if you're looking to score big points with an authority figure, you can do it with ease today. With precise logic (softened by a warm and compassionate smile), you can run circles around any competitors. You'll not only charm them into submission but also turn them into some of your biggest fans! All eyes are on you, and you aren't going to disappoint. As long as you stay confident and prepare a clear communication plan, you will soar today.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Why is Rose still getting sick?  Not everyday, but often enough I am concerned.  Is this something bigger that is not right with her?  Is she anxious and can't keep her food down?  Is she upset/mad and this is how her body deals with it?  She is so damn skinny yet eats whenever I put food in front of her.  I wish the vet's office could tell me over the phone and not have me spend a lot of money just for them to say, "it could be this or it could be that...let's give it a few weeks and see if anything changes, bring her back in if it doesn't."  Ya, been there, no a lot of help from them, seems I am only helping the vet make his BMW payments.  Haha! 

And, she also still has the face twitch going on.  

But now I am left with "what to do now?!"  Is the answer staring me in the face?  Or is it hiding around corner only to unveil itself much later?  

Friday, June 17, 2011

"It is by 'spending' oneself that one becomes rich." 
~ Sarah Bernhardt
"What are you true riches in life?" 
~ Mary Morrissey 


Monday, June 13, 2011

Canyoneering Weekend

Friends of the Past and New Challenges Today

Oh my, so much has happened over the past couple weeks... One, I found a junior high friend after all these years (of course I am not going to tell you how many years, then you could easily add up my age :D).  She and I meet for a long lunch; although, I wish it did not end so quickly.  She came back into my life when I need her!  She is more beautiful today, she is stronger than one could imagine from her grand trials through childhood, she knows where her heart and soul are and is excited to grown them greater!  She has given me many valuable ways to look at my life and my situations.  Thank you Jennifer!   I am sad you will be leaving this area soon, but now that we have each other again, its only distance separating us.

Second, I have not only rappelled down a couple different rocks in Big Cottonwood but I have recently returned from a weekend trip down South canyoneering through a couple different canyons.   I can't begin to tell you the amazing challenges these canyons throw at you, but then comes the amazing effect of overcoming them and gearing up for the next challenge.  I am in love with this new me, challenging me as much as I can...getting out of my comfort zone!  The second canyoneering class starts this week and then the next weekend I am out again; learning more challenging stuff to do while on rappel. 

Once dropping into these canyons, the canyon walls can grow tight.  There was a time, short time, where no natural light was getting into a short distance; therefore, hands on one rock wall pushing away from it while inch stepping, right foot in lead the entire time, and dragging my backpack behind.  Wow, amazing!  Through some of the canyons I was able to walk normal, there were times where I had to perform downward dog with feet on one wall, hands on the other so as to not fall into the pothole full of stagnate water.  Could have sat (butt down, back on one wall while feet on the other) but felt more comfortable performing a bit of yoga :D

What challenging class can I take next?  Who will enter my life...or rather, who's life will I enter?  I love life!!!



Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Most Powerful Woman In My Life

Last Thursday night during a Mary Kay make-up sales pitch, (I know, I know, me at a make-up party?  Sounds completely opposite of me but I was volunteering my time for another in the business), one of the make-up ladies ask us to close our eyes; deciding to play into her game I did close my eyes, leaving my “whateve” grin on my face, she then said, “Now, I want you to think of a woman who inspires you, who you look up too.”  She gave us about 30 seconds, I didn’t need 30 seconds as the woman who entered into my mind came instantaneously, and just as quickly, my smirk of a grin was wiped off my face and replaced with a grand, prideful smile.  

Who is this woman I saw?  I saw a woman with strength, with dignity, with passion, with love.  I saw many of her trials, many of her tribulations, many of her accomplishments, many of her dreams, and many of her passions.  Seeing this woman was better than looking around a room, better than looking in a magazine, better than hearing her voice, because I saw her soul. 

It was then that the make-up lady asked us to now open our eyes where she proceeded to ask us what it was we saw in these woman that we have envisioned; was it was her shoes, was it her clothes, was it her jewelry, or was it her face?  I then knew she was hoping I would see some other woman than myself who inspires me.  But this empowered me more, knowing that I can see this amazing woman and look up to her, only to know it is my soul and my passions that I hold onto so dearly.  

The world is full of great, passionate woman (and men), but I hope each one of us can look to ourselves for guidance, for love, for peace, for dreams because no one else can give this to us.

Here’s to peace and self-love!