Thursday, June 30, 2011

Block of What Exactly?

There has been so much happening in my life lately, and so many thoughts racing through my head.  As I am away from my computer I yearn to be in front of it to write of these adventures and my never ending thoughts, but when I am in front of my computer I tend to...freeze?  Get writer's block?  Not excited anymore to tell my story?  What ever the reason, I am ready to move past it and write.  I want to write freely whenever the inspiration hits, or yet, when it has past but I still have the thoughts, feelings, and images in my head. 

I am sure some of you are clicking on my page daily waiting to hear about the many details of both canyoneering classes.  As well as the news on the job front, which leads to news on the rental front.  If not, at least act the part :) 

For a short synopsis: both weekends I spent in the North Wash were spectacular! I will never trade those for anything.  Canyoneering is fun, challenging and "freeing" (haha).   I have learned a lot about myself and know with each canyon I will learn more and more.  I do, however, need to put trust in myself more; there have been obstacles where I feared I could not get past or complete without the assistance of a fellow canyoneerer.  It is true that each one of us is there to get the others through, safely, but there are times when one must rely on themselves, so not to hold the team back or slow them down.  I am still battling my fear of heights, I am okay for a lot of the experience, but there will be the occasional uphill I have to walk, where below there is a large drop.  This is where I freeze and fear I cannot go further without the help of others.  On rappels I seem to be doing a lot better, gearing up, locking off and walking down for the most part.  It does make it easier on the mind knowing you have a fireman below and sometimes a body belay up top; all one could do is swing a tiny bit if somehow one lost control of rope.  Thankfully I have not had to experience that. 

Still searching for that job I will be a perfect for, as well as they fit perfectly with me.  This job economy is insane, I don't remember ever having to compete with hundreds of candidates, it has always been one, two, maybe three other candidates I would be competing with.  Wish me luck in my search! 

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