Friday, December 7, 2012

Baby Elephants Sold to Abusers

Elephants are some of the greatest creatures on Earth, their gentle strength, their love for every elephant in their family, their dances, their knowledge..okay, everything about these beautiful animals is awesome!  So why does man want to control them, own them?  For profit, bottom line.  Elephant babies stay with their mothers for life, the family continues to grow as each generation gives birth to more elephants.

The recent controversy of the newest born elephant in Oregon's zoo who is in fact "property" of Have Trunk WIll Travel.  The business deals of zoos and animal abusers behind closed gates.  Am I wrong to think that zoos are there for the animals to provide a safe home, safe from poachers, safe from extinction  safe from the ill hands of man?  Or I am still naive to think that we as humans can grow and evolve into kind creatures, seeking the best for the greater good.

The article I am reading this morning is from Care2, Sad Future in Entertainment for One Baby Elephant, from this article is a wonderful quote, hopefully it grabs you like it did me.  
If zoos actually cared about elephants they would contribute to real conservation efforts instead of wasting fortunes on breeding programs and enclosures that will never be adequate for an animal that should be roaming miles every day with the ability to explore landscapes and choose their own companions.
I believe that sums up a lot of what I think and looks like others think as well.  How can we stand up against the pockets of money to stop this from happening...ever?  If only we could capture the business people behind this contract, chain them to a small enclosure so they can only sway and not walk, bullhook them when they talk out of place and make them stand in their own shit for hours or days.  Damn good idea I say!

(photo courtesy of

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